dizzy leopard goal

The world can be kind of awful right now! Being an adult with too many responsibilities definitely isn't helping that. Dizzy Leopard tries to give you the smallest bit of escape from that with cute and nostalgic items ☺

I love making art. every product on this website is drawn/designed by me. I've drawn nearly every day of my life and now take pride in knowing it make sother people happy too ♡
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what the heck is a dizzy leopard?

Dizzy Leopard is from the name of my avatar from the online Flash game Poptropica. It was my favorite online game as a child and has been a comfort for me ever since.

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then what's dizzy leopard shop?

Dizzy Leopard Shop was born during the summer of 2020. Life was already difficult with quarantine when my childhood cat, Leo, passed away.

Creating art became a way for me to connect with others, bring joy, and keep me accountable with a schedule. Dizzy Leopard Shop has been a way for me to ground myself and try to make others happy. I'm thankful every day for everyone who has supported me to make sure I'm able to do that.